it can work, make it work

I’m well aware there is no grass in this picture

What am I thinking about today? I believe that there is no greener pasture; if one wants to be an architect, then make it work. Some days it’s really difficult and some regions cannot be sustainable for a small firm or solo practitioner.

I’ve read too many posts on social media recently that carry on about something negative that happened to the person posting and some situation that went poorly. At times it helps to commiserate with fellow practitioners, understood.

However, it’s time to share the positive, the proof that this profession works, it can work, and it can be a profitable, productive profession. (Say that three times fast).

At the end of last week, a client and I shared a brief text exchange (I left my scarf at their house after a construction meeting). She then included the following that made me smile. “And thanks for leading the meeting. Also thankful for all the knowledge you bring in. Gives me a lot of confidence!”

This is only one of several good stories from last week.

Do I have hard times, heartbreaks and frustrations that make me want to give up? You wouldn’t even imagine. A few weeks ago, I had one that continues to leave me speechless, but I choose not to fixate on it.

I choose to make this work. Share your good story.

it can work, make it work

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