sweat the details…part 1

Guaranty Building, Buffalo, NY

Having always been a “detail guy,” it’s no surprise I am writing about details. Yet, a recent event sparked my rant and motivated me to write about it. Late last year I began working on the initial phase of a project when my client handed me a report generated earlier by an engineering firm (long before I was involved). I cannot mention any more for good and obvious reasons. At first I questioned if I was performing work that had already been accomplished – I felt that way until lunch time when I had a break to read this report more carefully. At first it started out acceptable with information that was generally useful, but as I continued, I noticed the writing was poorly done and blatantly uninteresting (sorry engineers). However as I progressed through it, I realized that it was not getting any better. The information became more vague and a few statements were actually inaccurate; some were recommendations above the building code limits yet stated as minimum requirements. Believe it or not, some of the graphics were inaccurate, overly simplified drawings made presumably with haste due to the available fee. Since they were drawn with a computer, no one would suspect the error.

My cursory review ruminated in my mind for the remainder of the afternoon. I felt the design professional did not address the necessary detail, for whatever reason. It frustrated me because it is possible my client did not know the difference and could have made decisions based on incomplete information.

Now I am not looking for perfection in anyone. We all make mistakes. However, I do expect professionals, in my case, design professionals to get the details right. (BTW I also appreciate when doctors get it right too…my appendix was not on the left side, my scar is on my right). Now I don’t mean to be pejorative when I say the report was generated by an engineering firm. I have known both architects and engineers at times to gloss over details that they did not find important. Regardless, as architects, I do expect us to get the details right. We are the ones that orchestrate (or ought to at least) the entire project. We need to be sure that all of the components of a project come together to make a complete project. All details are important regardless of how mundane we think they are.

Perhaps affinity for details is not relegated to a particular profession like architects or engineers, but more to personality types. However, since I am an architect, I speak on behalf of architects since I have high expectations for my profession.

Between the two sayings “God is in the details” or the “devil is in the details” we can conclude that there is extraordinary power in details despite whom you prefer to credit or blame for such effort. Detail makes or breaks a project. It is often the detail that gets overlooked, but without it, we all would conclude disappointment in the absence. By the way, please don’t come to me with statements like “yeah, that’ll hold ‘er” or “she ain’t goin’ anywhere now” when it comes to structural or construction type issues.

Pay attention to the built world around you. Look up at pre-modern buildings and notice the detail placed up high that is only enjoyed by the birds and window washers. Find a well crafted modern building and see if the materials come together cleanly or are put together in a clumsy fashion. Run your hand over a wood surface and feel if the craftsperson took the time to finish it properly. Take notice to the work done by others around you and complement them when they go the extra mile to do things well and care for the details, even if it is your waitress. Notice the freckles on your kids’ faces or smile if they have one crooked toe.

“I’ve been called many names like perfectionist, difficult and obsessive. I think it takes obsession, takes searching for the details for any artist to be good.” – Barbra Streisand

 “Beware of the person who can’t be bothered by details.” – William Feather

the cover photo is Guaranty Building, Buffalo, NY from  BuffaloChuck photostream on Flickr (used under creative commons license) 

sweat the details…part 1

2 thoughts on “sweat the details…part 1

  1. Bob Gonze says:


    Awesome prose to enjoy with character and style in the verbiage. I forgot how nice it is to read clear (an opinionated) thinking in these several blog articles. Keep it up as your perspective is foreign to me but it’s a combination of aha and Black Swan stuff and I look forward to the ride.

    Thank you.


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